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Guide of Denmark

Denmark is a country in northern Europe and is considered "the happiest nation in the world" thanks to certainly thanks to progressive Scandinavian social model. It is a beautiful country and is a great example of a nation that lives off it own natural resources, whilst respecting the environment. 


This land was colonized by Scandinavian populations around 400 AD. C., about two hundred years later the Danes invaded England, and later Norway and northern Germany; the Danish have established themselves as conquerors throughout history. During World War II Denmark was invaded by the Nazis, despite having declared itself neutral but was the only country to prevent the deportation of the Jews.

Places to see in Denmark

The capital, Copenhagen is not to be missed! You can take a trip around the Tivoli gardens, watch the fireworks, visit the statue of the Little Mermaid, the symbol of the city. Copenhagen is also the home of the original Legoland, in central Jutland, completely dedicated to the famous colored Lego bricks. In the Jylland region, the town of Ribe should not be missed, it is the oldest city in Denmark, with some streets dating back to the year 869, there are wooden houses and little streams throughout the town.

Danish Food

The Danish culinary tradition is rich in carbohydrates, fish and meat, the famous dishes serve to warm you up in the cold winters.  Smørrebrød is a sandwich made with a slice of rye bread with fish and sauce. Donablu is a typical Danish cheese made with cumin seeds. Danish pancakes, called ableskiver, made with fried batter and apple-based Gammeldags æblekage are a famous dessert.

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