Partner - Frequent questions for affiliates

NetFerry Hero Frequent questions for affiliates

Frequent questions for affiliates

Here below a list with the most frequent questions on our affiliation system: if you have any doubt around the affiliation try to search here or contact our call center.

1. General Information

Who can register for the affiliate program?

Travel agencies, travel bloggers and anyone with a travel and or tourism-related website can join our affiliation system. NetFerry reserves the right to check the website before sending the code, to avoid being placed on spam pages or sites with obscene content.

How does the affiliation programme work?

After you have registered, NetFerry provides you with a code to put on your website, you can place it on single or multiple pages depending on how you aim to attract more bookings - and gain more commission! Remember, NetFerry is unique as we are the only online booking company that offer this type of commission-based affiliation system, so come on board! The only condition we have is that the page selected from your site to host our booking form must be 'first level' (ie a page linked to the homepage of the website).

What is the cost for affiliates?

Nothing. You simply register for free on our website and we issue your code, without paying a thing.

Can I run advertising campaigns on search engines?

You can make advertising campaigns for your website but it is forbidden to be visible on search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) with word NetFerry in the title, description or URL. It is also forbidden to pay for Keywords that contain the word NetFerry, or make modifactions to the spelling of the company name (e.g. netfery, netferri, Net Ferry, etc.)

2. Tools and integration

How do I register reservations?

Request to activate the iFrame sales service and we'll provide you with a dedicated reservation form that you can customize to fit on your website.

How can I integrate your booking from into my website?

It is very simple to put the booking form on your website, just paste in the code that we will provide you on your selected page.

How do you track sales with "cookies"?

The reservation system keeps track of the user's origin for 7 days after they visit the portal, which means that even if a user doesn't book immediately, but instead books in the following 7 days, you will still receive the sales commission.

How do I monitor my sales statistics?

You can monitor online bookings in real time through the dedicated back office for your portal.

3. Commission and payment

How does the commission work?

On every confirmed booking you will receive a commission of up to 10% depending on the ferry company.

How and when will you pay my commission?

You can monitor online reservations in real time through the back office . The commission will be paid quarterly upon receipt of your invoice.

Do you need help? Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or need clarification.
+39 0831 564 257